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This is a stupid post about nothing at all. This post does nothing to help my “brand” nor improve my SEO [My SEO is actually pretty solid considering I’m the only Jason Rashaad there is…I digress] this is just a post I felt like writing. People keep saying “oh you should write you’re so funny” and my response is always “I guess but the funny bit is just me dealing with a lot of internalized pain and rage and I don’t think anyone would give enough of a shit to…” this is usually the part where people start walking away.


This is a stupid post about nothing at all. I’m going to do more of these I think. Isn’t that what great writers do? “Just write.” That’s only something you hear about writing. No one ever says “Just be a CEO” or “Just fly to Paris.” These are things that happen with steps and planning and the right circumstances and…ohhhhh I get it now. Huh. You win this time, Stephen King. But I’ve got my eye on you.

This is a stupid post about nothing at all. I think these posts should have some kind of structure, right? Let’s try “what am I proud of today?” That’s pretty good though it kind of sets a high bar in that I would have to be proud of something every day. “I got up this morning and didn’t shit my pants” doesn’t make for a very good blog post though to be fair there have been days where I have been quite proud of wearing shitless pants. We’ll get to that part. Not now. That part is kind of a bummer. Back on task.

This is a stupid post about nothing at all. Today I am proud of a few things. Ooh, let’s use bullet points!

  • I registered for a half-marathon for no reason at all. I figured I need a goal, something to work towards, and running 13.1 miles without dropping dead is a solid goal to have. To do so in Hawaii? Bonus. I tried this once some years back but ended up entirely too drunk to actually run the race. I’d say that alcoholism and distance running do not mix but I’ve actually gotten several PRs while legally intoxicated so. Not sure the science backs me up but whatevs.
  • I signed up for a gym membership. This one is related to that one up there in that I am a treadmill runner not an outside runner and it’s all about knowing your strengths and weaknesses. The gym I signed up for is using my alumni access which will carry its own fun and exciting challenges but life is about managing chaos, I always say.
  • I convinced my mother to take a road trip with me for Thanksgiving. This one would have been number one if we were using ordered lists which we are not. Ordered lists are unfair in that it forces you, the reader (hi there!) to assign things a priority with which you might otherwise disagree. Like, what if you think my gym membership is more important than a trip with my Mom? I mean my question would be OK you don’t even know my Mom what are you trying to say? Then we’re fighting and we don’t’ even know each other and I don’t need the stress. So. Bullets.

As a consultant I learned to quit after three bullets so I’m gonna, but I have other things I’m proud of. I will save them for another post. Tune back in! Or don’t. Like I said, this is a stupid post about nothing…nothing at all.

Jason Rashaad

You trying to say Jesus Christ can’t hit a curveball?

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