No one is reading your resume, Jason. It has been brought to my attention, repeatedly, that no one who knows me or even knows of me has… Continue reading “No one is reading your resume, Jason.”…
That time I stayed up late talking to ChatGPT… Good evening. Can you help me write a cover letter for a position at Google? Certainly! I’d be happy to… Continue reading “That time I stayed up late talking to ChatGPT…”…
Talk Why are you so negative? Stop whining. No one wants to hear that. You are not going to disturb my… Continue reading “Talk”…
“Death, be not Proud” is a stupid fucking poem Death, be not proud, though some have called theeMighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;For those whom thou think’st… Continue reading ““Death, be not Proud” is a stupid fucking poem”…
Stupid recovery hobbies I’m sitting in the dark and it’s not even 10p and I can’t think of anything better to do so… Continue reading “Stupid recovery hobbies”…